Towline Overhead Conveyor

Towline Overhead Conveyor Manufacturer

Towline overhead conveyor

A towline overhead conveyor is a type of conveyor system that uses a continuous loop of chain or cable to tow loads along a fixed path. Here are some key features and benefits:

Towline Conveyor Features:

  1. Overhead design: Saves floor space and reduces interference with other equipment
  2. Continuous loop: Chain or cable loop with evenly spaced carriers or trolleys
  3. Towline: Loads are attached to the carriers or trolleys and towed along the loop
  4. Fixed path: Loads follow a predetermined path, allowing for precise control

Towline Conveyor Benefits:

  1. Space-saving: Ideal for facilities with limited floor space
  2. Efficient: Continuous motion reduces downtime and increases productivity
  3. Flexible: Can be customized to accommodate various load sizes and shapes
  4. Low maintenance: Fewer moving parts compared to other conveyor systems


  1. Manufacturing: Assembly lines, paint shops, and material handling
  2. Warehousing: Storage and distribution centers
  3. Logistics: Airports, seaports, and freight terminals


  • Support structure: Overhead beams or columns that support the conveyor
  • Chain or cable: The continuous loop that drives the system
  • Carriers or trolleys: Attach to the chain or cable and hold the loads
  • Drive unit: Powers the system and controls the speed